Catherine Gilbert Murdock will be visiting Waupaca on Monday, September 28, 2009. She will be visiting the High School and the Middle School!
Sixteen-year-old DJ Schwenk spends her summer vacation taking care of her family’s dairy farm. DJ is responsible for the farm because there’s no one else to do it. Her two older brothers had a fight with her father and won’t communicate with the family. Her younger brother is in the middle of his little league season. Brian Nelson, the quarterback of her high school’s rival football team is forced by his coach be help out at the farm, and worse yet, he’s supposed to have DJ train him for the upcoming season. Although they can’t stand each other at the beginning of the summer, DJ and Brian become friends. During the training, DJ decides that she will try out for her high school’s football team, but she also decides not to tell Brian. DJ realizes that not only does she love football, but she might also love Brian. She becomes torn between the two, until realizing that she must choose one. Which will she choose? Can she and Brian be friends, rivals, and possibly somethimg more--all at the same time?

Check out what happens next for DJ in The Off Season, and the stunning conclusion to her story in Front and Center--which will be published in October 2009!!!!
I'd like to hear more about future author visits.