A guest review from Teen Room Staff Brandon!
The Abs Diet is a diet which is highly popularized by Mens’ Health magazine, a magazine with a target age group ranging from older teens to old men. I, being a member of that target group as well as a reader, have certainly heard of the Abs Diet.
The Abs Diet is merely mentioned in Mens’ Health magazine, but brought to the spotlight in Zinczenko’s book. The founder, and success story himself, Zinczenko helps to reiterate the points of the diet. Of course, the main reason many men go on diets is to lose weight, but the Abs Diet has several other added benefits. In addition to losing weight, the Abs Diet can help you gain muscle, eliminate back pain and injuries, as well as gain a longer life.
The main way that the Abs Diet differs from every other weight loss plans is that it doesn’t require you to count carbs, calories, fat grams or points; in fact, it encourages you to eat more, in the form of six healthy meals and snacks spaced evenly throughout the day and centered around twelve main power foods. It also encourages a workout plan involving lifting weights and cardiovascular activity.
I found the book to be very extensive and, although not a very weighty tome, completely thorough. Zinczenko includes many examples of success stories as well as delicious recipes incorporating the power foods, and a well balanced training program for just about everyone. I find the book to be a helpful and enjoyable aid on my way to a leaner, fitter me.
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